So, long time no update, right? But I have a good one for everyone :D I just got back from my trip to Lapland, and it was amazing. Unfortunately, my battery recharger is another thing that seems to be incompatible with Finnish power, so I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted. But I did get some still :3
The first day started out with me waking up at 5:30 on a Saturday morning and going to the bus stop. I decided not to complain though, because I soon found out pretty much every other exchange student had been riding since 6:00 the night before. Heh.
We arrived in Muonio, a town in Lapland of about 2,000, around 11. We ate then went straight to the ski resort.
I didn't ski though, because I didn't pay the money in time. What I did get to do is go sledding, which is better, in my opinion. Less leg-breakage.
Me and the rest of the small sled posse went for about an hour, then got bored, and watched everyone that was skiing fall down. We also attempted to build snowmen.
The next day some people went skiing, but a lot of them stayed behind instead to snow sculpt with the sled posse, because the ski hill wasn't as fun as they thought it would be.
Me and my partner ended up making a snow reindeer, but I don't have a picture of the finished product because my first set of batteries decided to die right beforehand. I did manage to get a picture before we started. :)
My group started at the dog kennels. It was really loud and really cold, but I liked it a lot. Most of the dogs were kept in large kennels with huts, but a few were separated and kept on the outside because the didn't get along with the rest. There weren't any puppies when we went ): But all of the dogs were either Alaskan or Siberian huskies (or hushkies as our guide said).
All of the dogs were trained as sled dogs, and ran an average of 10 km a day. They were used by the resort we stayed at for sled dog safaris through lapland. All of us got to go on a short sled ride, but right before that was when my second set of batteries died. I have some friends that got a picture though, so I'll have it up soon :)
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