Sunday, August 9, 2009

First Host Family

So, I made it through the camp. It was pretty sweet, and I met a lot of friends. Kind of a bummer I had to leave them so soon :/ But, I got to meet two of the families I'll be living with yesterday. My second host family drove me all the way from Karkku to Kemi, which took about 10 hours, but the car ride was fun. We talked a lot, and me at my host sister Vilma watched Twilight :P

I'm at my first host family's house now, it's nice. My bed is so comfortable :D And the room is clean, which is a change. Yay :P We went to the supermarket today, Arja (host mom) and Aino (host sister) quizzed me on Finnish food names. I think I have most of the fruit down. The language is definitely not easy though. I found out that in the winter, the only meat they eat is reindeer. So that'll be an experience. The food here so far has been pretty good though, nothing really bad. It's all pretty healthy too. Lots of fruits and veggies :3 Besides the ice cream :P

School starts next monday, I'm sort of nervous about that. Aino is going to be a sort of tutor to me though, so I might actually learn something, instead of just staring at the teachers. I'll most likely be taking easier classes this term, like art and music, so that will be nice. Tonight a member of Rotex is going to be visiting me, she seems really nice.

I'll update again in a couple days :3

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