So, this weekend I had two fellow American exchangees up to Kemi to stay over. It was a ton of fun, and on top of it, there ended up being a Rotex trip to Kemi's Snow Castle on the same weekend. So, we had plenty to do :D
The map above is the layout of this year's castle. They change it every year, and it take about a month to build.
Entrance hallway :)
The two 'icy bears' guarding the castle, as our tour guide told us.
One of the normal hotel rooms, they cost from 120 - 170 euros a night per person. And they are not very warm, haha.
The honeymoon suite, for the people that get married in the castle's snow chapel. Doesn't it look nice? Haha. Apparently around 30 couples a year get married in the chapel.
The snow chapel.
The snow stage, where they have mostly kid entertainers.
Since we were in Kemi, I got to act as the tour guide once we left the castle and finished our day of wandering the castle and tubing down the hill behind it. I guided everyone to San Milano, Kemi's best pizza place, which was a lot cheaper than the snow castle's restaurant. Yay!
After pizza, the other exchange students went back to their host cities by train, and Anna, Grace, and I all went back home and had a movie marathon while thawing out our feet.
This weekend was a ton of fun, and tomorrow is my birthday (woo) so I'm expecting it to continue for a while :D